If you want to test an age on the destiny you first have to send us your .age file and (if you have any) your .sdl file. These files also have to be on the server, and they always have to be the same as the ones you have on your Hard Drive. This means, if you make any update to your .age and/or .sdl files you have to send them again. After you sent your files it may take up to one day until it is uploaded to the server. We will notify you when your age is uploaded.
After your age is uploaded:
When your age is uploaded to the server, you have to put your .age, .fni and .prp files in the dat folder; your Python files (if you have any) in the Python folder; and your SDL files (if you have any) in the SDL folder. Now you can start the Destiny and test your age.
Linking to your age:
Your age won't be in the Nexus, so if you want to link to your age, you have to use the Plasma Console. This is a builtin Console in the Client. To open it press the ` (above Tab) key (ö on QWERTZ). Now type "Net.LinkToAge agename" in the console and confirm with enter. You will be linked to your age.
If there is anything missing in this tutorial or you have questions about certain points, don't hesitate to ask
