Anyhow I copied over plUruLauncher.exe and the Destiny Shard loading screen came up. I also used my own plClient.exe and CrashHandle.exe, which may cause me issues. But I can extract those back from the archive if needed.
Oh and I think you forgot to mention that you need to copy the sfx and dat folders from the Uru Live install folder.
I will detail everything in my upcoming video tutorial assuming I get it all to work

Curious, and double-posting here from my thread at GoW, but is it possible to play other ages besides my own on Destiny, and what is the process? I'm about to see if I can login. But I assume I'll start at the desert and have to work through the cleft. Unless there is another way to directly access stuff? Oh and does Destiny work with Drizzle, or not?
Appreciate your help!
UPDATE! Slight update here... Patcher program isn't going anywhere. Looks like things aren't working, or aren't online or something. I re-extracted the original precompiled files over, overwrote my stuff, no different. Still using my own plUruLauncher. If I don't, and double-click the plClient, I get an error. Well until I know whether its on your end or mine I'll put this on hold. If its on my end I will re-compile everything per the provided instructions. Should I upload this when I am done?
Let me know!